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Chicago Public Schools Chicago Apartments

At Chicago Apartments, we understand the importance of education in today's society. Parents want nothing more than to place their children in schools where they know their children will be in good hands. Especially when moving to a new area, parents want to make sure that there are appropriate schools nearby. Researching specific needs and wants for their children's education is the first step that any moving parent should take. A simple phone call to the school's district will answer most of your questions, but not all. Some cases may require a visit to a counselor who is more than willing to help a parent find the right education and school for their kids. The internet is also a very useful source for information regarding ANYTHING related to your child's education. Here is a link to the Chicago public schools website.

Chicago Public Schools

Ways You Can Help Your Child Succeed

This page provides tips for you as a parent to help your child succeed.
Chicago public school students are required to read or be read to a minimum of 100 minutes each week. Students are also required to read a minimum of 25 books each year.

It is important that schools form partnerships with parents to promote the social, emotional, and academic growth of children. It is the responsibility of all of us-parents, teachers, community members, and students-to work together to help every child succeed. Children benefit greatly from loving, supportive relationships at home and at school. Research says family involvement in education makes a difference. You can make a significant difference in your child's achievement at school and in life.

Parents are their children's first teachers. You provide the foundation upon which all learning is built. We must invest time in helping our children grow into good citizens who live a life of purpose. Together we can help our children succeed. All tasks are made easier when shared. Let's strengthen our partnership.

Tips for Grades K-3 - Ways you can help your child succeed.
   - Read to your child. - Have your child read to you...

Tips for Grades 4-6 - Ways you can help your child succeed.
   - Pack books when you go on trips with your child. - Have your child keep a journal on family vacations.
   - Select words from a story your child has read and have him/her write a paragraph using those words...

Tips for Grades 7-8 - Ways you can help your child succeed.
   - Encourage your child to follow instructions enclosed with toys, games, or items that require assembly.
   - Talk with your child about current issues...

Source from Chicago Public Schools

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